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Experts in Traffic Control Design, Strategy, & Engineering

Effective traffic control plays a critical role in the safety and success of any work zone-related project, demanding a careful and considerate amount of planning and strategy. As a leading traffic management company, we are devoted to delivering the best in quality and service available.

East Coast Traffic Supply‘s designers and engineers have spent decades producing traffic control drawings with premium, unparalleled precision in Carrollton, GA and the Atlanta Metro area. Our traffic control drawings are the embodiment of our unwavering commitment to our clientele and the public’s safety. Learn more about our traffic and transportation management strategies today.

traffic sign boards

Traffic Control & Transportation Management Plans

Preserving your team’s safety while protecting the general public on the open road is always at the forefront of every temporary traffic control plan (TTCP) we produce. Our site-specific and typical TTCPs at East Coast Traffic Supply not only assess every aspect of your project but are expertly designed to comply with – and often exceed – even the most rigid municipal regulations.

We also proudly create in-depth transportation management plans to support the full scope of our clients’ operations. From transportation operations and temporary traffic control to incident management strategies and informing the public, we’re here to reinforce your project’s timely completion.

Support Your Project Objectives With Advanced Traffic Data

Our team at East Coast Traffic Supply is a highly qualified traffic control service provider advocating for your operation’s best interests. While government agencies can often restrict certain work zone projects, we have the professional capacity to conduct traffic studies that validate the necessity of your project’s objectives. We leverage advanced methods of detailed analysis and in-depth reporting to provide accurate, easy-to-understand traffic data that meets the requirements of traffic management plans frequently confined to the government. Discover how we can assist your team with comprehensive traffic volume studies, spot speed analysis, and traffic control effectiveness.

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